We partner with several local Gospel-based organizations positioned to reach specific needs and demographics within our community. We do this through financial support (because of your generosity!) and through serving opportunities.


A Gospel-based pro-life resource center located in Niles, Benton Harbor, and South Bend. LifePlan offers education, ultrasounds, counseling, resources and more. 

Spero House

A Gospel-based community resource center helping with addictions, single-parent homes, and poverty through charitable offerings and service.

Salvation Army

The Salvation Army is an international movement with a local center in our community. It coordinates several programs dealing with poverty and addiction in our community. Their mission is to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and to meet human needs in His name without discrimination.

Christian Motorcyclist Association

Many motorcyclists in our church are members of local chapters of this Gospel-based ministry to motorcyclists. We give finanical support to these local chapters and their mission to reach riders for Christ.

Summit Missionaries

Our church also directly supports many regional and foreign missionaries who take the Gospel of Jesus to countries and regions of the world that desperately need to hear it. Some of those missionaries are listed below. We have also listed several unnamed missionaries who are doing work in countries that are hostile to the message of Jesus.

Jordan & Ashley Matthews

Cru is a campus ministry to students at Western Michigan University, helping students experience God personally through small groups, discussions, activities, conferences, and events.

Christopher & Julie Payne

H2O Church is a campus ministry to students at Michigan University. They offer on-campus worship services and build community through core groups and various events on campus.

Janyne Johnston

Janyne is a missionary in Russia. One of Janyne's primary outreaches is teaching English by teaching the Bible.

Roy & Faith Hill

Roy and Faith have served as missionaries in West Africa for over a decade. Roy works to support pastors in remote villages through continuing education. Faith works to provide mobile health clinics and ministry to women.

Robin & Susie Steen

Robin and Susie are life-long international Christian workers, having served in many countries around the world. Currently, they are serving the church in Asia.

Jon & Meg Steen

Jon and Meg Steen are missionary doctors at Tenwek Hospital in Kenya. They use their gifts in medicine to spread the Gospel through health care and soul care. Jon works primarily with the the medicine residency program. Meg works with obstetrics and gynecology. 

Unnamed Missionary in Turkey

Unnamed Missionaries in Southern Asia


World Partners is the missionary organization of the Missionary Church Denomination. This ministry has 80+ disciple-making partners worldwide are trusting Jesus’ promise to see beautiful renewal in the lives and communities of people they are accompanying. Learn more about World Partners here.